Sous vide hard boiled egg

No more keeping an eye on hard boiled eggs. Sous vide cooking technology will prepare them just right: the yolk will be soft and tender instead of being rubbery and tasteless.

If hard boiled eggs are your favorite dish, then you'll definitely like sous vide hard boiled eggs cooked at 74 degrees. This temperature is ideal for hard boiled eggs, because the yolk stays tender. On the contrary, the yolk tends to be rubbery when cooking on a regular hotplate. It's easy to overdo the dish without temperature control.

Serves: +1
  • Chicken eggs 1-12 pcs
1 hrs 5 minsPrint
  • Set a sous vide thermostat to 74 degrees and immerse it into the container. Wait until it preheats the water to the required temperature.
  • Make sure the egg shells are crack free. Otherwise a white of the egg will leak during cooking. If shells are okay, immerse the eggs in the preheated water. You don't need vacuum bags. If you notice that eggs are beating against the sides of the cooker, position the sous vide thermostat so that the funnel it creates doesn't scatter the eggs to the sides.
  • Leave the eggs poaching in the water bath for one hour.
  • When the timer goes off, take out the eggs and cool them down. For instance, you can put them in an ice bath for 15 minutes.
  • Shell the eggs gently and serve as you like.
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