Savoy cabbage

Savoy cabbage has been established in a culinary world long enough to be considered the best cabbage for making summer salads and vegetable soups. It's also great for an excellent stuffed cabbage and thick sorrel soup. In this recipe savoy cabbage will be cooked for a side dish and an essential sous vide cooking technique couldn't have come at a better time to help us out.

This dish will look more aesthetically pleasing if you cook the cabbage in large slices along with the stalk, so that it doesn't fall apart.

Serves: +4
  • Savoy cabbage 1 loaf
  • Butter 2 tbsp
  • Salt ½ tbsp
4 hrs 10 minsPrint
  • режем на дольки савойскую капусту
    Slice the savoy cabbage into pieces along with the stalk. Put slices in a vacuum bag. Add salt and butter.
  • Pump out the air and seal the bag with a vacuum sealer. Preheat a water in a sous vide dish to 83 degrees and place the bag inside for 4 hours.
  • When the timer goes off, take the cabbage out of the bag and pat it dry with paper towels to get rid of an excessive moisture.
  • обжариваем савойскую капусту
    Preheat a frying pan, add butter and fry the cabbage on both sides over medium heat until golden brown.

Sous vide savoy cabbage is done. You can eat it as a main course or serve as a side dish with some meat. Bon Appetit!

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