Green Asparagus with Garlic and Parmesan

Зеленая спаржа с чесноком и пармезаном

Even nowadays many people shy awat from asparagus. However, culinary art appraisers know and love this tasty plant. Spring is the time of asparagus ripening and it's a high time to enjoy this product. You can eat asparagus as a main course and as a side dish for meat or fish. Green asparagus tastes like a mix between a french bean and green peas. It's recommended cooking it with a sous vide method to preserve its extraordinary taste and bright green color. Thanks to this technology, the asparagus will keep all its beneficial properties and remain crispy and juicy as well as becoming a true garnish for any dish.

Serves: +2
  • Green asparagus 1 bunch
  • Butter 4 tbsp
  • Garlic paste 1 tbsp
  • Ground Parmesan ¼ cup
  • Salt
24 minsPrint
  • Set a sous vide thermostat to 85°C and let it preheat a water bath.
  • Spread the asparagus evenly in a bag.
  • Dice butter and put on the corners of the bag. Put a spoonful of garlic paste in the center. Season the whole thing with salt lightly and seal the bag with a vacuum sealer.
  • Tap the bag all over with your finger pads to distribute the garlic evenly. Next, immerse it into the preheated water bath. It takes only 14 minutes to cook asparagus.
  • Finally, lay out the cooked asparagus on plates and pour over the cooking liquid from the bag.
  • спаржа с чесноком и сыром
    Grate Parmesan and sprinkle it over the asparagus.

You've done a beautiful, trendy and healthy dish! Bon Appetit!

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